Sunday, August 17, 2008

...this blog ain't big enough for the both of us...

so...has anyone noticed that there seems to only be one of us that gets around to blogging at a time?

who's in colombia...or just busy...or working immensely... or trying to unpack their life again...

honestly, why has there been such a long time from when there were posts one right after another and lovely little comments left on each other's blog??

*sigh* this depresses me.

hopefully once school picks up things will get back to normal... otherwise i fear the fate of the stolen pants!


sarawr said...

haha, funny how it works like that. but it's cute too, what with always being there when the other person can't, footprints in the sand, all that stuff that people put picture frames around and maybe write acoustic songs about. maybe this is a love story, our pants blog--you know the tragic kind, the kind you just can't quit?

sarawr said...

what am i talking about??